General Representation of the Government of Flanders

In 1994 the government of Flanders opted for South Africa to become a priority partner within Flemish foreign policy. Flemish cooperation initially focused on assistance towards the building of a new, democratic South Africa, but this was subsequently extended to include development cooperation, culture, science and innovation, economy and trade, youth policy and education. The remit of the general representation includes South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho.

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  • Koen Rombouts
  • Yves Roels
  • Carike Pieters
  • Rejeanne Vlietman
  • Leana Leonard
  • Marc Machtelinckx
  • Pieter Oosthuizen
  • Shavan Naidoo

group Steering Committee JHB
group Steering Committee CPT

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